Looking for a Furnace Replacement? Here’s What to Know.

Winter approaches, and with it the need for a warm and cozy home. Could your furnace need replacing before winter? Here’s how to tell.

Winter approaches, and with it the need for a warm and cozy home. If your old furnace seems to be gasping its last breath, you’re probably considering a furnace replacement. But before you take the plunge, arm yourself with the information you need to make the right decision on both the product and the installer.

Reasons for Furnace Replacement

It’s important to understand why you’re replacing your furnace. A major reason many homeowners decide on a furnace replacement is the declining efficiency of their old furnace. As a furnace ages, its heating capacity may not be as effective as in its glory days. Maybe you’ve noticed certain rooms staying colder than others, or your energy bills have spiked despite consistent usage. These signs point to a decrease in heater efficiency.

But efficiency isn’t the only factor. Safety plays a crucial role, too. An old furnace may pose risks like carbon monoxide leaks, which can be life-threatening. If your furnace shows signs of potential hazards or a technician red-flags it during maintenance, don’t wait. Prioritize your safety.

How Much Does a New Furnace Cost?

Several factors influence the cost of a new furnace:

  1. Size and Capacity: The size of the furnace you need depends on the size of your home. Naturally, heating a larger space requires a more robust system with a higher price tag.
  2. Type of Furnace: There are different furnaces, including gas, electric, and oil. Each has its own price range, with gas furnaces generally being more popular due to their efficiency.
  3. Installation: While buying the furnace is a significant expense, don’t forget the installation costs. Installation fees can vary depending on the complexity of the setup, where you live, and the HVAC company you use.
  4. Features and Tech: Want a smart furnace you can control with your phone? Or perhaps one with a built-in humidifier? Additional features can add to the price but might offer long-term benefits in terms of comfort and energy savings.

Shopping for a Furnace

Get multiple quotes and read reviews when shopping for a replacement furnace. Pay close attention to the warranty offered with your new heater. A longer warranty often indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in their product.

However, furnace replacement isn’t just about choosing the right model and shelling out the money. It’s about future-proofing your home for better heating for years to come. When selecting your furnace, consider the following:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Always check the furnace’s Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating. A higher AFUE means greater energy efficiency, which reduces energy bills in the long run.
  2. Compatibility: Ensure the new heater is compatible with your existing ductwork and ventilation system. If not, you might incur additional costs in retrofitting.
  3. Maintenance and Support: Some furnaces require more maintenance than others. Find out what regular upkeep your new furnace needs and factor in potential expenses. In addition, choosing the right dealer with robust technical support systems can make all the difference.

Replacing your furnace is an important decision that requires careful consideration. It’s not just about dealing with the cold of one winter but ensuring your home stays warm for many seasons. By understanding your current needs, future requirements, and the factors that affect the new furnace cost, you can invest confidently in a new heater that offers better heating and peace of mind. Your local McCall’s dealer team has the experience and knowledge to help you find the best furnace for your home and budget. Contact them today to learn more.