Your heating and cooling customers are smart, and their equipment should be, too. New technology helps cut down on energy waste and makes it easier to heat and cool their home and to take advantage of the performance capabilities of their heating and cooling system.
With the state of technology today, where everyone walks around with a smartphone and instant networking and communication available at all times, it’s harder and harder to impress your customers with heating and cooling system technology. But here are a few tips on how to impress your heating and cooling customers with the latest smart thermostat technology.
What’s Old
Old thermostats are pretty basic: on, off, auto…cool, heat, fan. Pretty simple. And pretty difficult to customize your comfort level. You can’t control the heat and air from away from home and you can’t adjust automatically for times when less heat or air is needed, like at night, when everyone is sleeping, or during the day, when everyone is at school or work. And if you forget to change the thermostat before leaving for vacation, too bad.
What’s New
Today’s heating and cooling systems are becoming more energy efficient and more robust in their capabilities. Smart thermostats are offering the same.
Current technology can offer your customers the ability to program their thermostat to customize their heat and air conditioning to fit their own personal comfort levels. With intuitive programming, user-friendly interface, intelligent scheduling, and automatic changeover from heat to cool and vice versa, customers can create the environment that they want without having to constantly be adjusting the thermostat.
Additionally, smart thermostats allow for humidity control, outdoor temperature display, audio notifications of system issues and filter maintenance requirements, and advanced system diagnostics and alerts.
Because your customers can customize their heating and cooling system performance, they can also control their costs. In the past, they have had very little control of the temperature in their homes while they sleep and while they’re away. Smart thermostat technology allows for adjusting the temperature when they don’t need extra heat or cool, which brings down energy use and energy expense. Smart thermostats can save an average of 20% off a current energy bill.
And on top of all of that, they look better, too. With large, high-definition displays; multiple user interface color scheme options; and a clean, uncluttered display, they’re not only smart, but smart looking. Impressive.
With all of the advanced features available in the latest smart thermostat technology, it’s easy to impress your heating and cooling system customers.
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