Product upgrade benefits regularly impact energy efficiency and clean air, but did you know some investments go a long way to ensuring the safety of everyone
on your property? Whether you’re a homeowner or landlord, having a generator ensures essential functions keep running even during the worst weather.
Electricity doesn’t just power your fridge or heater, but your security system. How else can emergency power lower your risks? Here are three ways
a generator can save your life in bad weather.
Did you know more people die in the aftermath of a hurricane than during the storm? Falls from roofs or ladders while clearing debris off a home was the
number one cause. Using a generator and leaf blower or power washer, you can often remove items from your roof without leaving the safety of the ground.
A big storm can damage the utility lines running to your property. You can have them shut down during clean-up to avoid snagging a wire with a tree-trimmer
or stepping into a puddle too close to a downed power line. That’s an easier call to make when you have a reliable source of backup power.
Every year, people lose their lives to fires started by candles and gas lanterns used indoors for light. A generator makes it easy for you to safely see
without the need for risky gear.
Contact McCall’s Supply Inc., to pick out the perfect generator for your home or to ask about other product upgrade benefits that
can help you during and after seasonal storms.