2 Things You Need to Know about Your HVAC Before the Next Cold Front

2 Things You Need to Know about Your HVAC Before the Next Cold Front


What are your general HVAC service questions? Get the answers you need before winter hits.

We can’t avoid it any longer—winter is just around the corner, which means you need to get answers to your general HVAC service questions STAT. Maybe you are wondering how to get your furnace ready for its time in the spotlight. Or perhaps you need to know what you can do to achieve higher energy efficiency to cut back on energy costs.

The pros are here to answer your burning questions. Here are three things you need to know about your HVAC before the next cold front:

#1: How to know if your furnace will even work on the first night you need it.

Here’s a great way to give it a trial run. Pop open a few windows, put on some shorts and a tank top, and run a heat test. Crank your thermostat up, run your furnace for a bit, and make sure it’s producing heat.

Is it working correctly? Does the air smell funny? If so, that could mean that you need to swap your air filter. If the smell persists, then you probably need to clean out your air ducts. Is it making funny noises? If so, then your best bet is to call in an HVAC professional. If you didn’t get your HVAC a checkup during the summer or early fall, now is the time for your annual preventative care appointment.

#2: How to know if there are problems brewing with your furnace.

Are there any little problems that might become big problems with daily furnace use? If your HVAC isn’t producing funny noises or smells, you may still need to take a look at the intake vent outside of your home. Is anything clogging the intake vent? Look for signs of moisture. If you see bubbling or chipped paint around your HVAC unit, rust around the vent pipe, or mildew, then you probably have a leak you need to address.

Here’s a secret: it’s way more convenient and affordable to fix a problem now rather than later when everyone else is calling with furnace issues.

A quick checkup now can save you a lot of time, money and frozen toes later on. If you haven’t made an appointment for an annual preventative maintenance visit yet this year, call on our expert team at McCall’s Supply. We can connect you with one of our highly qualified HVAC dealers to meet your needs and to answer any other general service questions you may have.