Finding ways to distinguish your business in today’s marketplace is harder and harder. What will set your business apart from all the others? We think that one way is with the right HVAC training and events. As a McCall’s dealer, you can take advantage of all our continuing education programs to give your HVAC dealership a leg up on the competition. Check out what’s coming up that can make a difference in your bottom line.
Want to get ahead of the game with your Samsung technology? This HVAC training event will help get your technicians the information and education they need to repair and maintain this VRF heat pump. This two-day training is September 27th and 28th from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm in Myrtle Beach. Training attendees will review system operations of this 3-phase, air-cooled heat pump and heat recovery unit. We’ll go over the main components and the indoor and outdoor units, including reviewing the PCBs of the outdoor unit and the LED displays. You’ll learn how to troubleshoot the error codes, test procedures, and how to evaluate, diagnose, and resolve issues. Your techs will also learn how to test refrigerant flow and replacement and compressor replacement procedures.
Heat pumps are more popular than ever. Knowing how to operate, repair, and maintain them is critical to your business thriving. We’re offering two sessions to fit the needs of your business and your technicians’ schedules. On October 19th or October 26th, training will run each day from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm in Myrtle Beach. We’ll cover the proper operation of the single and multi-zone heat pumps, including troubleshooting system error codes, diagnosing issues, and proper disassembly for both the indoor and outdoor units.
Ongoing education and training are critical to keep you and your team on the cutting edge of HVAC technology. Staying up to date allows you to better serve your customers and keep your business growing and thriving. In addition to the training and events offered by McCall’s to our dealers, we also offer the following benefits:
The heating and cooling business is booming, but even with the deluge of COVID business and the extreme changes in weather and temperature, there’s still a lot of competition out there. How will you set your business apart from the rest? When you become a McCall’s dealer, you have access to the advice, support, tips, guidance, marketing products, training, and events that you need to take your HVAC company to the next level. Are you ready to bring it up a notch? Find out more about how McCall’s can help by contacting us today.