When is the Best Time to Replace Your Furnace?

When is the Best Time to Replace Your Furnace?

Replacing your furnace is probably the last thing on your mind or your budget. But, do you know the best time to make the switcheroo? We’ve got the info you need to help you decide when to replace your furnace.

When It’s Over the Hill

Age is always a factor when it comes to your furnace. Most HVAC equipment lasts approximately 10-15 years. If your furnace is pushing into its mid-teens, it could be time for a new one. Older units lose efficiency and become less effective, leaving you with inconsistent temperatures and a less comfortable home.

When the Costs Continue to Rise

Have you noticed your energy bills increasing lately? It could be your furnace. If you have an older unit or one with a lower energy efficiency rating, it will use more energy as it ages. Other costs associated with an aging furnace come from repetitive repairs. More breakdowns tend to occur as the HVAC system gets up in years and has more wear and tear, leading to more frequent repairs. Rising costs indicate it’s the best time to swap furnaces.

When It Hasn’t Seen Proper Maintenance

Whether you’ve moved into a home with a neglected HVAC system, or weren’t aware of the need for regular service, lack of maintenance can lead to replacing your furnace. Your furnace requires proper TLC every fall before it kicks in for winter heating. Without it, your heating system won’t run efficiently and can start to break down more quickly. When this happens, it’s the optimal time to invest in a new one.

If it’s time for an upgrade, talk to the pros who can guide you on top-rated furnaces for your home. Contact your local McCall’s dealer to lean more.