When and How Often Should I Have My Furnace Maintained?

When and How Often Should I Have My Furnace Maintained?

Do you have scheduling furnace maintenance on your to-do list? If not, it’s time to add it. But regarding maintenance, the most common question is when and how often? Here’s what you need to know.

When and How Often Should You Schedule Furnace Maintenance?

Ideally, furnace maintenance should happen twice a year, in the spring before shutting it down for the summer cooling season and in the fall before turning it back on when the weather cools off. If twice a year is too much, fall service is the most critical. HVAC technicians will tell you that the majority of heating issues are due to lack of maintenance. Fall service often helps avoid those costly repairs when there’s no heat in your house.

What Happens During Furnace Maintenance?

Maintenance by an HVAC technician not only helps ensure your system keeps chugging along all winter but also helps keep your warranty in place, extends the life of your equipment, increases system effectiveness, and increases energy efficiency. Regular attention for your furnace includes a basic checklist most HVAC companies follow and some minor repairs if needed. The checklist usually includes:

  • Inspecting the heat exchanger
  • Cleaning and checking the blower
  • Inspecting and testing the electrical system
  • Checking the belts for damage and wear
  • Lubricating moving parts
  • Changing the air filter
  • Testing and calibrating the thermostat
  • Checking the vent system

It might not seem like it’s time to start thinking about your furnace, but it’s never too early to put your furnace maintenance on your to-do list. To schedule, contact your local McCall’s dealer now.