McCall’s Supply dealers have heard all of the most common questions about humidifiers. We understand that it’s not necessarily obvious why anyone would need a humidifier in our normally mild and generally quite humid climate. But we know exactly how beneficial a humidifier can be in the middle of the winter. The real issue then, is how to convey this information to your customers. Here are some tips from our McCall’s staff:
In the winter as the air cools down, humidity levels drop, and the air becomes drier. Even if it’s still not as dry as it is in some of the more southwestern states, this drier air still makes a huge difference in air quality and how your body feels.
When you turn on the heat in the winter, when the air is dry it isn’t able to hold heat for as long, which makes your heating system less efficient. It’s easy to correct this, as adding a humidifier restores moisture to the air, allowing it to hold heat better and allowing your HVAC to work more efficiently.
Air that is in range of the ideal relative humidity, which in your home is between 40% and 60%, helps keep you looking and feeling better. Here are a few reasons why:
With all of the benefits of a humidifier, it’s easy to show customers a humidifier is a great investment for their home. If they aren’t convinced, just tell them what McCall’s Supply technicians tell their customers.
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