Homeowners don’t often think of general HVAC service questions as they relate to allergy symptoms, but they should!
There are several tweaks and upgrades to your system that will keep pollen and other baddies at bay while you breathe easier indoors. Here are a few of
our most helpful heating and cooling tips for allergy sufferers.
The label of every filter on the shelf displays a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) number. MERV ratings aren’t some kind of scam designed to trick
you into buying more expensive units. The numbers tell you what types of particles your filter removes from the air. You will need a filter with a
MERV 13 to remove the smallest allergens, but a MERV 5 is sufficient to remove pollen, dust mites, and pet dander.
Humidity has a miraculous effect on heating and cooling functions. Air with a higher level of moisture will feel warmer than dry air. You can make your
home feel warmer simply by increasing indoor humidity. Low humidity does the opposite, so you can make your home feel cooler by reducing the air’s
relative humidity.
However, allergy sufferers receive even more benefits. Low humidity dries out the fleshy membranes of your nose, eyes, and lungs. The pores increase in
size and make it easier for allergens to make it inside your body. Adding moisture to the air shrinks them back to normal size and blocks pollen, dander
and other baddies. Humidity can help protect against the spread of viruses for the same reason.
Air purifiers sold over infomercials hurt the credibility of the market for years. Today’s commercial products offer properties from homes to hospitals
top-notch air cleaning to eradicate allergens before they have a chance to cause problems.
Give McCall’s Supply, Inc., a call if you have more general HVAC service questions. Our talented technicians can teach you tips
to maintain your health, increase energy efficiency, improve home comfort, and lower your bills.