Lots of people are feeling the pinch of the economy and making changes to help stretch their budget and save money. Other people are becoming more and more conscious of the environment and how their energy use affects it.
So what can you do as a heating and cooling provider? Offer high efficiency heating and cooling. It’ll win you customers and might even make you famous, or at least popular with the people who matter – your customers.
Here’s how:
Financial Benefits are the Cake
If you had to guess one thing that everybody loves, you’d probably guess cake, right? There’s another thing everyone loves, too – saving money. While you can’t always offer cake, you can offer your customers the chance to save money with packaged systems that give them high efficiency heating and cooling.
Not only do high efficiency systems cost less to run, they in fact run at nearly 100% efficiency, which can equal savings of 30% or more monthly in energy costs. You can help customers find even more savings upfront, too, with rebates. Manufacturers often offer rebates on high efficiency heating and cooling equipment. Additionally, the federal tax credits offered for high efficiency heating and cooling are another selling point for package units for your customers and potential customers.
Being Greener is the Icing on the Cake
Our energy consumption affects the environment and the planet. When you have customers with concerns about their energy use and its global impact, high efficiency heating and cooling is an option for them that can appeal to their desires to save energy and money.
Explain to your customers how today’s technology is smarter about meeting their heating and cooling needs while using as little energy as possible. For instance, older furnaces basically only had one speed: full tilt. But today’s heating and cooling includes variable-speed technology, which allows for the system to regulate output and energy use based on need.
Making people happy by helping them save money while helping save the planet is one really great way to win customers. And with that, who needs fame?
Interested in becoming a McCall’s dealer and selling the best in high efficiency heating and cooling? Contact McCall’s Supply today to learn more.