Get the Most Out of Heating & Cooling Tools with the Right Thermostat

Get the Most Out of Heating & Cooling Tools with the Right Thermostat

What are the benefits of programmable thermostats when paired with heating and cooling equipment?

 Get the Most Out of Heating & Cooling Tools with the Right Thermostat

Heating and cooling equipment is a big investment for many customers. On top of this, the technology often confuses customers, leaving them wary of any advice you have to give them about buying a new system. Help un-intimidate them by telling them about programmable thermostats, and how these gadgets can get them the most out of their heating and cooling equipment with the right thermostat.

Want to do that without scaring them off? Talk about the following:

Benefits of Programmable Thermostats

Convenience, cost, comfort: what else could anyone want from a thermostat? And when it’s such a vital part of any heating and cooling equipment, using the right one can make all the difference. Programmable thermostats allow you to maintain your personal comfort level by pre-setting the temperature in your home to fit your schedule – when you’re home versus when you’re not.

Like to sleep in a cool house? Set your thermostat to automatically lower the temperature at night. Not worried about it being a little warmer while you’re at work? Have it kick the temperature up a bit. Either way, your heating and cooling equipment will respond based on your commands.

Even if you decide to adjust your thermostat manually, it’ll learn your habits and create a program accordingly. This way, even if you don’t set a schedule, it can save you effort and money.

Give Guidance

So how can you sell this neat technology to the technologically skittish? Teach them how to use it! The big stumbling block with programmable thermostats on customers’ heating and cooling equipment is the fear that there will be a huge learning curve, that it will be too confusing, and that they won’t be able to figure it out. Teach them how to work their thermostat, and they will love you forever. Or at least be satisfied customers.

Got customers who are afraid of new technology? Help them get the most out of their heating and cooling equipment with a new programmable thermostat. Want more dealer information? Contact McCall’s Supply today.